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How to Prepare for a Big Move

Moving is an exciting and sometimes inevitable part of life. Maybe you’re moving to pursue a new career path. Maybe you’re relocating so you can be closer to your family. Or maybe you’re just ready for a change, and this is your leap of faith. While moving is exciting and the start of a brand new adventure, it can also be stressful organizing and planning.


Getting ready to move can feel overwhelming. After all, you’re packing up and saying goodbye to a place you’ve spent a lot of time in and grown attached to. Plus, you never realize just how much crap you have until you have to put it all in boxes and move it across the country. Preparing for a big more will take research for your new home, a packing plan and moving arrangement with a team of movers, and a moment of reflection and time to say goodbye. You’re on to a new and exciting adventure; you just have to let go of the last chapter first. Here are just a few tips and tricks to consider as you prepare for a big move.

Have a packing plan.

When you start to look around at all your stuff, you may feel tempted to throw it all in boxes and call it a day. Don’t give in to that temptation. You need to be deliberate and have a set packing plan. This will help you stay organized when you arrive at your new home as well. Pack boxes room by room and have specific containers for your smaller items. Your bathroom, for example, has a lot of toiletries and items that can be consolidated. Secure your makeup and lashes in one container that can then be kept safe for the journey. When you’ve found magnetic lashes or other beauty secrets you absolutely love, you don’t want to risk those getting lost in the move.


Once you’ve settled on your personal packing plan, it may be time to bring in experts to help with the rest. A big move with lots of furniture going a long distance may require professional movers to help get everything there in one piece. Invest in a company that will treat you like family and takes special care of your valuable possessions.

Plan out your new living space.

Packing up your old place is the hard part, but planning the new space is the fun stuff. Start to map out what is going on in each room and how to create a true home in your new house. This is a new opportunity to create your dream space, so feel free to explore all your options. Look up advice for creating a home theater or how to set up a stellar backyard. This can help get you even more excited for your big move.

Consider lifestyle changes of where you’re moving.

Moving to a new city or state may mean several lifestyle adjustments. You may have a new job; your kids are going to a new school, you’ll be living in a new climate, etc. These are things to consider before moving to San Francisco or Florida, or abroad. Take note of how your new location will switch up your daily routine, and prepare for that adjustment.

Say goodbye to your old home.

A big move comes with plenty of emotions. Make sure you take the time you need to say goodbye to your old home and all the people in the area that you are close to. Throw a goodbye party and make sure you have a chance to see your closest friends before you leave. Taking the time to say goodbye will help give you the closure you need so you can move on with a sense of peace.

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